Eaton online power management assessment tool helps you understand how well your current power management solution enables you to ensure business continuity, maintain operational efficiency and lower costs of your IT application.       
 Step 1: Protect
  Estimate, if your valuable  IT assets are protected from power issues
  Power Protection
1 I don't know what power protection means
    2 Yes we have UPS but I don't know how many and where they are installed
    3 Yes we do have UPS protecting our IT infrastucture but we are not closely tracking their status
    4 Yes we are aware of the protection needs and we are closely tracking power requirements and UPS status
  What are your key considerations regarding UPS?
1 Just runtime
    2 Runtime and power cleaning
    3 Runtime, power cleaning and local control
    4 Runtime, power cleaning and remote control
 Step 2: Distribute 
  Check if power distribution inside of your IT racks is optimal
  How are you distributing power to your IT equipment?
1 We do have basic power strips
    2 We do have rackmounted power distribution units
    3 We do have rackmounted power distribution units that measure power consumption
    4 We do have rackmounted power distribution units that provide power consumption data and oultet control (start/stop)
  How are you handling single power supply equipment?
1 We don't manage redundancy on those equipment
    2 We are replacing them with redundant power supply equipment
    3 We are using Automatic Transfer Switch but only on critical equipment
    4 We are using Automatic Transfer Switch on all our equipment
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Step 3: Organize 
  Assess if you have the optimal housing solution for your IT equipment
  Where is your IT equipment installed?
1 We mainly have tower devices standing on the floor
    2 Our IT equipment is organised in wall-mounted cabinets (<15U)
    3 Our IT equipment is organised in a rack (>20U)
    4 Our IT equipment is organised in a rack or multiple racks  (>20U) installed in an IT room
  What are your top priorities when considering a rack enclosure?
1 Just the U space and the price
    2 U Space, Ease of use, Load rating
    3 U Space, Ease of use, Load rating, air flow management
    4 U Space, Ease of use, Load rating, air flow management, Access control
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Step 4: Manage
  Check if the power management of your IT application is efficient 
  Are you using power management software?
1 No I'm not using it
    2 Yes, I'm using it for shutdown in case of power failure
    3 Yes, I'm using it for remote monitoring and shutdown
    4 Yes, I'm using it for complete management of my power devices (energy consumption, status, shutdown)
  Are you using power management together with a virtualization solution?
1 No, I don't have any virtual machine to manage
    2 I do have virtual machines but I'm not connecting them to a power management software
    3 I do have virtual machines and I'm connecting them to a power management software
    4 I do have virtual machines and I'm using advanced capabilities of power management software (Virtual machine migration, Site recovery, etc…)
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  Step 5: Maintain 
  Do you maintain your power devices properly to extend their life and achieve a greater peace of mind?
  What type of warranty are you looking for when buying power devices (UPS, Power distribution)?
1 I'm not interested in warranty offers
    2 I look for a 3 years warranty
    3 I look for a 5 years warranty
    4 I look for a maintenance contract
  How are you handling the battery end of service life?
1 I'm not concerned about this
    2 I'm changing batteries once they fail
    3 I'm replacing the full UPS
    4 I'm closely tracking the UPS installation date and I'm planning battery changes 

Click on the Finish button to see the results of your assessment.

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  Maturity Level 1 2 3 4
  Categories Score Topics        
  Protect Power Protection
  What are your key considerations regarding UPS?
  Distribute How are you distributing power to your IT equipment?
  How are you handling single power supply equipment?
  Organize Where is you IT equipment installed?
  What are your top priorities when considering a rack enclosure?
  Manage Are you using power management Software?
  Are you using power management together with a virtualization solution?
  Maintain What type of warranty are you looking for when buying power devices (UPS, Power distribution)?
  How are you handling the battery end of service life?
  Total Total
      Maturity level of your power infrastructure        
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